Monday, March 23, 2015

Reading newspaper articles

TASK - Read the statements on showing shocking images and agree or disagree giving good arguments based on the group discussion done in class.

1. "The public hasa right to know what's happening. I think they should not cut out anything. People are mature enough to take in the reality of what happens in the world every day".

2. "TV news sometimes seems more like a show. They want a bigger audience so they show shocking or provocative images. TV news should report the news, not try to shock people."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Biography Task

Write timeline for:

1. Fred Hollows - refer to his bio in the class blog
2. Nelson Mandela - refer to his bio in the class blog
3. Famous Aboriginal person - refer to Koori History and choose one famous person

Have Fun!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sometimes, a biography describes a person's life from birth to death. At other times, the writer concentrates on a particular period in a person's life. We will be reading biographies of famous Australians and other people. We will be practising completing a time line, making notes of key points as events, turning points and achievements.

Assessment Task - Reading a Biography of a Famous Person

  • Completing a Timeline
  • Turning points
  • Achievements